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When Mona and Bassim tied the knot at the Art Gallery of Alberta in Canada, they wanted to represent their cultural backgrounds in their special day. They held a traditional Persian ceremony and their reception was marked by several Egyptian Chloe Replica Handbags customs. Following an ancient Persian ritual, they were wed in front of a spread of symbolic items, such as family heirlooms, honey, and apples. Monas friends then showered them with sugar flakes from a silk lace fabric held above their heads. For the reception, they switched to the Egyptian side of things, starting off with a traditional Zaffa entrance that included bagpipes, drums, belly dancers, and men carrying swords. Talk about an exciting entrance! Check out the photos below to see more of Mona and Bassims beautiful Chloe Replica Handbags! Mona, whose company Birds Honey event planning was behind the entire Chloe Replica Handbags concept and design, also worked to include many DIY elements in the Chloe Replica Handbags. She used vintage mason jars and vases for their gorgeous rose and carnation flower displays. Her company also designed the simple yet special ceremony programs. Monas aunt in Iran even hand-made an elegant veil for her to wear! Although the day turned out wonderfully, Mona acknowledged that the entire process got stressful at times. Her words of advice for future brides to be? Being ok with everything not turning out perfectly AND making sure to have at least one date night a week without any Chloe Replica Handbags talk! |