
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - US Rivers I
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Tennessee, Ohio & Illinois Rivers are all tributaries of


Colorado River
Columbia River
Rio Grande
Mississippi River

The longest US River at around 2540 miles is


Yukon River
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Rio Grande

Which river drains the United states between the Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains ?


Yukon River
Mississippi River
Colorado River
St Lawrence River

The River Missouri is a tributary of


Colorado River
Columbia River
Rio Grande
Mississippi River

One of the longest and commercially important rivers in Alaksa is the


Yukon River
St Lawrence River
Colorado River
Columbia River

The Snake River is the main tributary of


Missouri River
Columbia River
St Lawrence River
Rio Grande

Sacramento River and San Joaquin Rivers are the discharge into the Pacific at


Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Diego
Santa Barbara

Which river drains the Great Lakes into the North Atlantic through Canada ?


Yukon River
St Lawrence River
Colorado River
Columbia River

The Arkansas River and Red River are tributaries of


Colorado River
Columbia River
Rio Grande
Mississippi River

The Platte and Yellowstone Rivers are tributaries of


Missouri River
Columbia River
St Lawrence River
Rio Grande

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012