
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Inventions Trains 1
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

In 1812 the first steam locomotive to be mass produced was by ?


George Stephenson
John Blenkinsop
Richard Trevethick
Thomas Russel Crampton

The first RAISED metal rails were invented & implemented by ?


Henry Bessemer
Richard Trevethick
William Jessop
Richard Reynolds

Who invented the Rocket which reached 35mph in 1829 ?


George Stephenson
John Blenkinsop
Richard Trevethick
Thomas Russel Crampton

During the 1500's the first wooden tracks were commonly found in ?


Farmers fields
Seaside Piers
Clay Pits

In 1789 the first effective rail points were invented by ?


Henry Bessemer
Richard Trevethick
William Jessop
Richard Reynolds

Steel rails were first created by who in 1856 ?


Henry Bessemer
Richard Trevethick
William Jessop
Richard Reynolds

In 1804 who built and ran the first steam locomotive near Cardiff ?


Henry Bessemer
Richard Trevethick
William Jessop
Richard Reynolds

In 1825 who established the Stockton & Darlington line, the first public service


George Stephenson
John Blenkinsop
Richard Trevethick
Thomas Russel Crampton

Who completed the Manchester-Liverpool rail line in 1830 ?


George Stephenson
John Blenkinsop
Richard Trevethick
Thomas Russel Crampton

In 1763 the first iron rails were made by ?


Henry Bessemer
Richard Trevethick
William Jessop
Richard Reynolds

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012