

Club History
Reading List

Evaluators Top Tips
Whilst practising use a tape-recorder and listen to yourself. 

Give Market Harborough & District Speakers Club the Green Light


Market Harborough & District Speakers Club Committee 2018-2019


President : Dora Mack
The Club President  represents the Club at all ASC functions and who proudly wears the Club President’s Regalia. The Regalia ribbon is maroon in colour and contains individual bars each with the name of previous Club Presidents and the year in which they held that post. The President chairs the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
Awaiting Image Vice President : Richard Poyner
The Club Vice President deputises for the CLUB PRESIDENT but unfortunately does not have regalia to wear. The VP is the Club ‘dogsbody’ who does any job on behalf of the Club that is required and that no-one else seems to be doing.
Treasurer: Margaret Richards
The Club Treasurer is a meticulous keeper of tThe Club Treasurer is a meticulous keeper of the Club purse who makes sure all subscriptions are collected at the proper time, pays all receipts into the bank, receives the bank statements and reports to the Committee on the current state of the finances. The Treasurer suggests the annual club subscription to the AGM and also pays the Club’s annual Capitations to the National body and to the District Treasurer.
Secretary : John Tolton
Secretary is a wondrous person who has control of the paperwork both in and out of the Club. Minutes of Committee Meetings are immaculately kept and fly around the Committee by email when neatly summarised.
Education Director : Tony Coleman
The Education Director prepares and distributes the Club’s monthly programmes, encourages members to undertake assignments from The Speakers Guide and ensures application for relevant ASC Certificates at the appropriate time.
Social Secretary : Dora Mack
The Club Social Secretary is a  brilliant organiser who sorts out celebration venues and meals and circulates details to members, keeps account of who is attending and how many guests they are bringing.
WebMaster :David Niven
The MHDSC WebMaster is a  busy person who has control of all Club Web Based activities including the management of this website.




Market Harborough Speakers Club 2019


Quips & Quotes
As Henry VIII said to his wives 
“I wont keep you long”. 

Improve your Vocabulary
Learn or improve your understanding of over 400 words. This will increase your ability to deliver speeches
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40

The 10 ASC steps to becoming a better speaker
Making a Start
Say What You Mean
Speech Construction
Use of Gestures
Use Your Voice
Vocabulary & Word Pictures
The Use of Notes
The Use of Humour
Audience Rapport
The Masterpiece